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Durable children's trousers - Vainio Päntz

Durable children's trousers - Vainio Päntz

How much does it cost to buy a child four new underwear a year?

Many families are familiar with this situation: the knees of children's pants are worn out during play and the pants end up in the trash. The resale value is €0.

Wouldn't it be the best thing in the world if you could buy pants that:

  • look the way you want - you can choose the colors of the details yourself
  • are so comfortable that they become the child's favorite pants
  • fit at least two sizes for the same child
  • also last intact for smaller siblings
  • remain intact for resale, in which case you get money back for your purchase

These truly durable children's pants, are made in Finland 100% by hand.

You can find the pants' size chart HERE !

Regular price €119,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €119,00 EUR
Sale Sold out
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Päntzien resepti

Housujen laadun huomaa heti ihanan pehmeästä, harjatusta ja paksun tuntuisesta collegesta. College sisältää 70% puuvillaa ja lisänä on 30% polyesteriä tuomaan kankaalle lisävahvuutta. Collegemme on OEKO TEX 100 -standardisoitua.

Vahvikekangas on 100% polyesteriä. Kangas on pinnoitettu vettähylkiväksi, joka edesauttaa myös mahdollisten likatahrojen pyyhkimistä pois ilman suurempaa pesuprosessia!

Housujen resorit ovat 95% puuvillaa ja sisältää 5% (yllätys yllätys) elastaania. Resorit ovat OEKO TEX 100 -standardisoitua.

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