
Miten poistaa vaikeita tahroja vaatteista – täydellinen opas

Miten poistaa vaikeita tahroja vaatteista – täy...

Otto Vainio

Tahrojen poisto voi olla haastavaa, mutta oikeilla menetelmillä saadaan usein erinomainen lopputulos. Esimerkiksi meidän kestävät lastenvaatteet, jotka on valmistettu pääosin luonnonmateriaaleista, käsittelevät tahroja eri tavalla kuin synteettiset materiaalit. Ruohotahrat vaativat...

Miten poistaa vaikeita tahroja vaatteista – täy...

Otto Vainio

Tahrojen poisto voi olla haastavaa, mutta oikeilla menetelmillä saadaan usein erinomainen lopputulos. Esimerkiksi meidän kestävät lastenvaatteet, jotka on valmistettu pääosin luonnonmateriaaleista, käsittelevät tahroja eri tavalla kuin synteettiset materiaalit. Ruohotahrat vaativat...

Suomen Kädentaidot -messut kutsuvat Vainioita - osallistuminen valtava satsaus

Suomen Kädentaidot fair invites Vainioi - parti...

Otto Vainio

The craft fair is organized in Tampere on November 15-17. and we are honored to start the first fair in the history of Vainio Clothing right here. Nothing more and...

Suomen Kädentaidot fair invites Vainioi - parti...

Otto Vainio

The craft fair is organized in Tampere on November 15-17. and we are honored to start the first fair in the history of Vainio Clothing right here. Nothing more and...

Leggon hautajaiset ja uusi alku

Leggo's funeral and a new beginning

Otto Vainio

Recently, you may have heard about a change that has affected our company in a significant way. We have gone by the name so far Leggo Oy , but due to...

Leggo's funeral and a new beginning

Otto Vainio

Recently, you may have heard about a change that has affected our company in a significant way. We have gone by the name so far Leggo Oy , but due to...

Toivottu tummansininen tukee työtä Itämeren puolesta

The desired dark blue supports the work for the...

Otto Vainio

The new Baltic Sea blue color to support the protection of the Baltic Sea: durable children's pants and domestic children's clothes This launch is much more than a new color...

The desired dark blue supports the work for the...

Otto Vainio

The new Baltic Sea blue color to support the protection of the Baltic Sea: durable children's pants and domestic children's clothes This launch is much more than a new color...

Uusi musta Vainio Päntz 2.0

The new black Vainio Päntz 2.0

Otto Vainio

Could the washing times of children's clothes be reduced? How would it sound if you could wipe away small daily dirt stains and milk stains from your children's clothes without...

The new black Vainio Päntz 2.0

Otto Vainio

Could the washing times of children's clothes be reduced? How would it sound if you could wipe away small daily dirt stains and milk stains from your children's clothes without...

5 syytä valita bambuviskoosi

5 reasons to choose bamboo viscose

Otto Vainio

5 reasons why bamboo viscose is an excellent choice for durable children's trousers Bamboo viscose is a popular option in the textile industry due to its versatile properties. For Vainio's...

5 reasons to choose bamboo viscose

Otto Vainio

5 reasons why bamboo viscose is an excellent choice for durable children's trousers Bamboo viscose is a popular option in the textile industry due to its versatile properties. For Vainio's...